Published by MDsave on Sep 29, 2023
Many people think that having health insurance is a safety net that provides access to affordable and accessible healthcare. However, a recent survey revealed that this isn't always the case for many insured Americans. From difficulty accessing medication due to insurance barriers, to worrying about out-of-pocket healthcare costs, many insured Americans are not getting their money's worth when it comes to healthcare.
One of the biggest issues for the insured is out-of-pocket healthcare costs. According to survey results, insured Americans are more worried about their ability to afford out-of-pocket healthcare costs than expenses like the cost of healthy food or transportation. The survey also revealed that the majority of insured Americans are dissatisfied with the care they received when they do end up getting care. Additionally, 38% of insured Americans taking prescription medication reported that they or a family member had trouble accessing medication due to various insurance barriers in the past year.
These concerns serve as a reminder that insurance is only one part of the healthcare equation, and that even those with insurance can face significant barriers to adequate care. Overall, there is a need, now more than ever, for affordable and accessible healthcare, regardless of insurance status. This is especially true in light of high out-of-pocket healthcare costs and patient dissatisfaction with the care received.
There are a number of potential solutions to combat these concerns, such as government policies that incentivize doctors to provide quality care by increasing the emphasis on patient-centered care. Additionally, platforms that provide price transparency and prevent surprise out-of-pocket costs are also necessary so that patients can be better prepared for healthcare expenses.
Finally, a greater focus could be placed on preventative care, which could help reduce the need for emergency care. This can help lower overall healthcare costs and make sure everyone has access to quality and affordable healthcare.
MDsave is a revolutionary platform that provides patients with access to quality and affordable medical care. By using MDsave, insured and uninsured alike can quickly and easily browse through a wide variety of medical procedures, compare prices, and purchase with a single click. Through MDsave, patients can save up to 50% on out-of-pocket expenses while receiving the high-quality care they need.
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