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Man Up. Take Charge of Your Health.

Published by MDsave on Nov 02, 2015

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Worldwide, men die an average of six years earlier than women, but men are 25% less likely to have visited a doctor in the past year. Too many men die because they don’t seek medical care when they should. Movember – the month formerly known as November – is back, and men around the world are growing out their moustaches in support of men’s health. These Mo Bros, and the Mo Sistas who support them, are using the moustache as a conversation starter to raise awareness about the need for men to take charge of their healthcare. Man up this Movember. Be proactive, get your doctor on your team and encourage other men to do the same. It’s time to change the statistics.

Real Men Get Checkups

Too many men delay in getting healthcare because they believe that there is a social expectation to just “walk it off” – that seeking medical attention before a crisis makes you weak. Unfortunately, that kind of thinking all too often leads to treatable symptoms escalating into life-threatening episodes, or cancers being caught in an advanced stage. Prevention and early detection are vital to staving off many of the main killers of men: prostate cancerheart diseasetesticular cancer, and depression, to name a few.

Don’t sit idly by and wait for disease to strike. This Movember, take control of your health – for yourself, and for everyone who depends on you.

  1. Know yourself, and speak up! Your doctor only knows what you tell them. Be sure your doctor knows your family history, health concerns, mental state and stress levels, and your lifestyle habits. Armed with this information, you and your doctor can formulate the best action plan to keep you healthy.

  2. Get regular checkups and screenings. Many diseases, especially cancers, can be present without showing any symptoms. Screenings help catch early warning signs so you can begin treatment at earlier and more treatable stages.

  3. Help dispel unhealthy expectations. Whether you sport a moustache this Movember or not, support the men in your community by encouraging them to step up and get the healthcare they need. Help others around you realize that self-reliance means taking steps to keep yourself as strong and healthy as possible, so you can be around for everyone else who relies on you.

Looking to find the best quality and price in your area? We have the tools to help you choose.

The MDsave online healthcare marketplace is a hassle-free way to compare prices and quality ratings for providers in your area. You can shop the marketplace for healthcare services from local providers as easily as you shop for a plane ticket. MDsave negotiates the costs of common procedures so you only pay one upfront cost, at up to 60% savings, through a secure portal. We believe it shouldn’t be expensive or complicated to get healthcare. Visit us at MDsave.com to see how convenient taking control of your healthcare decisions can be.

Take action now!

Knowledge is power and prevention is key. If you suspect anything isn’t right in your body, get it checked out. Join the fight against the most common killers of men:



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