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I Took a Leap of Faith

Published by MDsave on Apr 03, 2020

Testimonial Jennifer

Meet Jennifer.

“I live in Pennsylvania and recently graduated from college in 2018. I have since worked in contract positions, which are about six months long each. Because of the contract position, it can sometimes take up to four months in order to be eligible for health insurance. It’s kind of expensive in relation to how much you’re making. I had to ask myself, ‘Okay, what does it come to monthly? Annually? Do I really need this [health insurance]? No, I don’t need it.’

You can easily convince yourself, when you’re not in a pandemic or when you’re not having health issues, that you don’t need insurance. That’s how I got to where I am today.” 

“Would I Rather Die Than Pay That?”

“I found myself needing a CT Scan to check for a pulmonary embolism. I called the outpatient imaging at my local hospital to ask about the scan. They quoted me $8,400. I said, ‘Okay, that’s not going to work’. 

The scary part was thinking that I might have a pulmonary embolism and not know it because I couldn’t afford to get the scan to find out. I asked myself, ‘Would I rather die than pay that? I don’t know.’ I needed to find another option.”

“How Is This Possible?”

“I got on Google and searched for affordable CT Scan prices and MDsave came up! I thought to myself, ‘Well, this can’t be real.’ On MDsave, it showed that the estimated national average for a CT Scan with & without Contrast was $733 and the MDsave average was $478. I immediately thought, ‘There’s no way. How is this possible? This is too good to be true.’

So, I did research on MDsave and read reviews from real people. I actually found a hospital [Crozer-Keystone Delaware County Memorial Hospital] that was only 15 minutes away from me offering the scan for $379. I took a leap of faith and purchased the procedure. I told myself, ‘You’ve got to go for it.’ So I did. 

It’s [the MDsave price] just crazy in relation to what I was going to have to be forced to pay or not get the scan.”

“I Can’t Believe This Is Working”

“I soon received a call to make my appointment and the lady on the phone sounded totally legit and like a real nice adult. I just didn’t know what to expect. 

I showed up to my appointment and presented my voucher. The people at registration were like, ‘Wait a minute. What? You have one of those vouchers from MDsave. Oh, my gosh! We’re so excited.’ 

After taking my information, they told me that I was all good to go. I thought to myself, ‘I can’t believe this is working’. It just felt surreal because I had gone through so much thinking I was going to have to owe thousands.” 

“It Was the Exact Same Quality of Care”

“In the back of my mind, I thought that this would be some basement CT Scan. I asked myself, ‘Is this real? Are they going to use the machine from 20 years ago because it’s a voucher or are they going to use the machine that everybody gets?’ Either way I was thankful that I was getting something done to check for pulmonary embolism. 

When I got to the actual radiology technician, she had no idea that I had paid with a voucher. No idea! All she knew was that I was a person who was coming in to get a CT Scan. I had the same quality CT Scan that’s been performed on me before. So, I knew that it was the exact same quality of care.”

“I’m So Grateful that MDsave Exists”

“I now know that I have options with MDsave if I need to have something done. I was really glad to find that MDsave accepts credit cards. It gave me peace of mind. It was definitely a win and I loved it. It’s funny because it’s the first review I’ve ever written in my life that I wholeheartedly was like, ‘Oh my God. I’ll go on a commercial, I’ll go on a loudspeaker, or I’ll do whatever I need to do to tell everyone about MDsave.’”

Anything Else That You’d Like to Tell Someone?

MDsave is real and it’s not a scam. I just want to shout it from the rooftops because there’s a lot of people in need that just don’t know about this option. I just thank God that I just happened to do a Google search and came across MDsave.”



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