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On MDsave, the cost of an Ultrasound ranges from $75 to $498. Those on high deductible health plans or without insurance can shop, compare prices and save.
An ultrasound is a non-invasive diagnostic imaging tool that utilizes high frequency sound waves in order to produce a dynamic image known as a sonogram. Diagnostic ultrasound is also known as sonography, and is used to create an image of internal structures like organs and tissues. It can offer valuable information in diagnosing and treating a variety of different conditions and diseases. Ultrasound is most widely known as a method of viewing a growing fetus in the womb of a pregnant mother, but it has many other benefits and uses as well.
Ultrasound is beneficial because it allows physicians to scan the patient's body from multiple angles without having to move the patient. An ultrasound may be recommended over X-ray technology when physicians want to scan tissues and organs in the body, though other tests are typically recommended for scanning bony structures. Ultrasound is often considered a safer alternative to X-ray or CT scans because it utilizes high frequency sound waves rather than ionizing radiation. An ultrasound scan may take a little longer to complete, averaging 10 to 15 minutes per procedure.
Physicians recommend ultrasound for a number of reasons. Some examples of diagnostic procedures involving ultrasound include: assessing the health of a fetus, diagnosing gallbladder disease, evaluating blood vessel flow, guiding needles for tumor treatment or biopsy, checking thyroid glands, studying the heart and evaluating breast lumps. It is also recommended for revealing or evaluating abnormalities in the tendons, muscles, genitalia and prostate. Ultrasound may also aid in diagnosing infection or cancer in various parts of the body, and it can be used to diagnose blood clots.