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Choose your location to find Stress Test Echo with or without Color Doppler providers.
On MDsave, the cost of an Stress Test Echo with or without Color Doppler ranges from $669 to $1,868. Those on high deductible health plans or without insurance can shop, compare prices and save.
Physicians perform stress tests in order to determine how much stress a heart is able to manage before developing evidence of an abnormal heart rhythm. They are always performed by trained physicians because they can cause complications when not properly monitored. The most common form of stress test is the exercise stress test, which utilizes aerobic exercise to determine what a heart can handle and also to diagnose the potential of heart disease.
Stress tests involve EKG or electrocardiogram screening to determine how the heart is behaving during the stress. What sets the stress test apart from a traditional EKG is that it views the heart's ability to behave normally during times of physical stress rather than while the patient is at rest. Stress echocardiograms and electrocardiograms can deliver additional information beyond what resting scans will produce. This helps the physician to determine what the heart is capable of handling and how healthy it is.
Physicians may recommend stress tests for a number of reasons such as to diagnose coronary artery disease, an arrhythmia or a problem with the heart rhythm. They also prove beneficial in helping to guide the treatment of many different heart disorders and diseases including valvular heart disease, coronary artery disease and arrhythmia. A stress test is beneficial because it allows the physician to gather information about how well the heart is working during physical activity. This is especially important to consider when you realize how many heart-related deaths are caused by overexertion.