Removal or Repair of Fallopian Tubes or Ovaries - Laparoscopic

Est. National Average: $20,023
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Procedure Details
How Much Does an Removal or Repair of Fallopian Tubes or Ovaries - Laparoscopic Cost?

On MDsave, the cost of an Removal or Repair of Fallopian Tubes or Ovaries - Laparoscopic ranges from $6,017 to $13,987. Those on high deductible health plans or without insurance can shop, compare prices and save.

What is Laparoscopy?

Laparascopy is a type of surgical procedure and not a specific surgical procedure. It involves performing the surgery through a tiny incision rather than the traditional larger ones. This type of surgery is performed in the abdomen with very specialized instructions known as laparoscopes. This tool grants the surgeon an exceptionally detailed and clear view of the inside of the abdominal cavity by broadcasting from a tiny camera onto a large television monitor.

Why is it Used?

The primary reason why laparoscopy is preferable among physicians is because it is the most minimally invasive surgical option for different medical procedures. Some of these procedures include operations not only on the abdomen, but also the urinary tract, the blood vessels, organs in the chest, the throat, sinuses, nose, ears, nerves, the heart, reproductive organs and the joints. 

What Conditions Does it Treat?

Laparoscopy may be used for gallstones, spleen surgery, inguinal hernia repairs, GERD, large intestine and rectum issues, appendectomy surgery, unspecified pelvic pain, ovarian cysts, pelvic adhesions and endometriosis. Laparascopic surgery may also be performed for infertility, hysterectomy, tubal ligation, herniated disk treatment, torn cartilage treatment and paranasal sinus repairs. There are many advantages to using this type of surgery as it is  minimally invasive and allows for a quicker recovery time. 


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