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On MDsave, the cost of an Balloon Sinuplasty ranges from $5,379 to $14,938. Those on high deductible health plans or without insurance can shop, compare prices and save.
Balloon sinuplasty is a treatment option for chronic sinusitis, or long-term inflammation of the nasal sinus passages. This sinus procedure is generally considered a less-invasive, safe and effective alternative to traditional sinus surgery.1
It is performed by an ear, nose and throat doctor, also known as an ENT or otolaryngologist. The ENT does not cut or remove any bone or tissue, and some doctors offer balloon sinuplasty in their office under local anesthesia, instead of in the hospital under general anesthesia.2 Because a hospital stay is not required, balloon sinuplasty cost may be lower than other, more invasive sinus procedures.
The balloon sinuplasty procedure helps alleviate chronic sinusitis symptoms like:
Sinusitis is considered chronic when at least two of these sinus problems last for 12 weeks or more, in addition to nasal inflammation.3 Chronic sinusitis is more often caused by long-term inflammation than by a prolonged sinus infection.4
During your procedure, a small, flexible balloon catheter is inserted into the inflamed sinus passage. The catheter is then inflated to widen the sinus opening, which allows the sinus to be flushed out with saline. When the catheter is removed, your sinus should remain open and clear.5
Because there is no cutting or tissue removal in this type of sinus procedure, recovery time is typically shorter than with traditional surgery. Many patients are able to resume normal activities within 2 days.6
1,2,6 Acclarent. “What is Balloon Sinuplasty?” http://www.balloonsinuplasty.com/what-is-balloon-sinuplasty
3 Mayo Clinic. “Chronic Sinusitis.” https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/chronic-sinusitis/symptoms-causes/syc-20351661
4 Acclarent. “Answers to Your Sinusitis Questions.” http://www.balloonsinuplasty.com/what-is-balloon-sinuplasty/faqs#n21
5 Acclarent. “Sinus Surgery with Balloon Sinuplasty.” http://www.balloonsinuplasty.com/what-is-balloon-sinuplasty/procedure-overview